Education and Experience ======================== .. figure:: _static/jlu.jpeg :width: 300px :align: center Academic education with degree ------------------------------ * *2019-today* **PhD theoretical chemistry**, Department of physical chemistry, Justus Liebig University, Giessen * *2017-2019* **M.Sc. Material Science**, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Grade – very good. * *2014-2017* **B.Sc. Chemistry**, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Grade – good. * *2011-2014* **Abitur**, Burggymnasium Friedberg, grade - good Experience ---------- * *During PhD-studies*: * Preperation and presentation of university-courses in quantum-chemistry and theoretical material science * Supervisor for multiple student assistants and student research projects for theses Academic education without degree --------------------------------- * *2017-2018* Student assistant in the *FOREST* research group under Prof. Dr. Mollenhauer. Research Topic: Theoretical investigation of redox potentials on different molecules and substituent patterns * *08.2017* Participated in the *Summer-School in Cheminformatics* at the Martin-Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg * *2019* Absolved research module about *Theoretical investigation of the influence of metalclusters as center atoms in perovskites on structure and electronic structure* at the University of Auckland in Auckland, New Zealand in the group of Prof. Dr. Nicola Gaston * *2019-2022* took part in various lectors, workshops and seminars regarding theoretic chemistry, physics and material science as well as data science for research and bioinformatics. .. figure:: _static/Auckland.jpg :width: 250px :align: center .. figure:: _static/Waiheke.jpg :width: 200px :align: left .. figure:: _static/Hobbiton.jpg :width: 300px :align: right