Skills ====== Computational Skills -------------------- .. figure:: _static/logos/Python.jpeg :height: 120px :align: left .. figure:: _static/logos/vasp.jpeg :height: 120px :align: center .. figure:: _static/logos/linux.png :height: 120px :align: right * **Programming**: * Python: * includung machine learning packages (scikit-learn, pandas, DScribe...) * mathematical packages (numpy, scipy...) * plotting packages (matplotlib, plotly...) * API programming (e.g. binance) * General programming experience using mainly python3.X with various different modules and styles * Rudimentary experience in: Bash, Java, C++, C, Mathmatica * **Good programming practices**: * Building custom python modules for easy setup using pip or conda * Object-oriented programming * Documentation in html format using sphinx and Re-Structured Text * Version control with Git * **Quantum Chemical software**: * Gaussian * Turbomole * VASP * Lammps * Extended Tight-Binding (xTB) * USPEX * Mopac * **Other**: * Latex * Github (Custom, open source software) * General Linux-usage (tweaking, configuring and compiling various different software, using open-source software repositories...) * High-performance computing clusters (slurm) Other skills ------------ * **Communication and teaching**: * Teaching experience from seminars and care for students in research projects (see :doc:`Education`) * **Quick and independent learning of various topics** Language skills --------------- * **German** Native speaker * **English** School education, heavily deepened in university and abroad studies in New Zealand (see :doc:`Education`) * **Latin** School education, unpracticed since Hobbies and unrelated skills ---------------------------- * **Sports**: * Running, biking and hiking * General strength training * Climbing and bouldering * **Music**: * Playing guitar since the age of 8 as hobby * **Cooking** * Vegetarian * Asian cuisine * **Technology** * Computer-hardware enthusiast * Keyboard enthusiast * Soldering and microcontroller programming using Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython for various projects * **Other** * Keeping and breeding Neocaridina Davidii (Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp)