Computational Skills

- Programming:
- Python:
includung machine learning packages (scikit-learn, pandas, DScribe…)
mathematical packages (numpy, scipy…)
plotting packages (matplotlib, plotly…)
API programming (e.g. binance)
General programming experience using mainly python3.X with various different modules and styles
Rudimentary experience in: Bash, Java, C++, C, Mathmatica
- Good programming practices:
Building custom python modules for easy setup using pip or conda
Object-oriented programming
Documentation in html format using sphinx and Re-Structured Text
Version control with Git
Static code analyzation with pylint
Automated testing and verification using pytest and self-made custom testing environments
- Quantum Chemical software:
Extended Tight-Binding (xTB)
- Other:
Github (Custom, open source software)
General Linux-usage (tweaking, configuring and compiling various different software, using open-source software repositories…)
High-performance computing clusters (slurm)
Other skills
- Communication and teaching:
Teaching experience from seminars and care for students in research projects (see Education and Experience)
Participated seminars on leadership, communication and change management
- Quick and independent learning of various topics
Independent earning of many different methods within academic research
Self-organised learning of many things in different topics just for personal interest (see Hobbies and unrelated skills for some examples)
Language skills
German Native speaker
English School education, heavily deepened in working with international researchers during academic studies and abroad studies in New Zealand (see Education and Experience)
Latin School education, unpracticed since